Gopher: gophermap

A gophermap is a file that is displayed via gopher instead of a directory listing, similar to how index.html works in HTTP servers.

Gophermaps are plain text files, however they use a special format. Each line must be prepended by a character signifying it’s “type”.

iThis is an example gophermap replace <TAB> with a tab character
iInformational Messages are prefixed by the character 'i'
0Plain Text File<TAB>plain.txt
iThe above line is a link to a plain text file called plain.txt
1Some Directory<TAB>somedir
iThe above line is a link to a directory
1My Friend's Gopher<TAB><TAB><TAB>70
iThe above line is a link to another gopher server

Lines as you can see, are in the format of :


Where <CHAR> is the character representing type, SELECTOR is the “file” to access, HOST is the hostname of the server and CRLF is a carraige return / linefeed.

Gofer is smart enough to fill in missing fields with defaults.

The following characters are used:

i - Informational Message
0 - Plain Text file
1 - Directory
2 - CSO search query
3 - Error message
4 - BinHex encoded text file
5 - Binary (PC-DOS) archive file
6 - UUEncoded text file
7 - Search engine query
8 - Telnet session pointer
9 - Binary file
g - GIF image file
h - HTML file
I - Image file (other than GIF)
s - Audio file
P - PDF file
M - MIME encoded message
; - Video file

Gophermaps can contain embedded directory listings, using


Gophermaps can also display Comments, with lines prefixed by a #.

# This is a comment